An appeal from Guy R Leven-Torres
Having folded up the original La Resistance!/IXth Estate, perhaps a little bit of educational explanation might be in order for the dummies who still don’t get it. I do not like to insult people’s intelligence but today this country seems to be inhabited by a very selfish population of planks.
The European Union is a hybrid Communist-Fascist institution. That means it is totalitarian and utterly undemocratic, simply there for a small, very arrogant elite that want to control each and everyone of us. They also intend to take your money, your land, your freedom and turn you into a helot, subject to their whims without right of redress or being heard. Your total and utter obedience is what is required. If you do not comply, then you will be persecuted, arrested, goaled and harassed until you do. You will also have sanctions applied to you like loss of civil amenities, bank accounts frozen, access to healthcare denied, and no work or access to an employer in seek of work until you accept the status quo. Should you then fail to heed these sanctions, then you will be removed and transported to another part of the European Union and either subjected to ‘re-education’ until you accept your guilt and that ‘you are enemy of the European State/People’.
Failing that of course, buried in the notes to the Lisbon Treaty is the final sanction for dissidents that do not comply or conform-the death penalty for sedition. Even writing this would therefore fall under that category. How do I know because I have read the whole infernal monster! Yes all of it!
The Europeans will be a third class of helot of course in their own lands. At the top of the social hierarchy in the New Order, will be the ruling caste and their clients, mostly rich and wealthy bureaucrats and their empires and hangers on. At the top of this pecking order you can already see the top dogs, like Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Frau Merckel, Sarkosy, Berlusconi, even old world aristocracy including members of our own Royal family who have bought into the EuroProject through their Fabian sympathies and a desire for an end to democracy. The latter scares them of course.
Underneath the Ruling Primary Caste will be the migrant clients like extremist Moslems who will be expected to control the EuroHelotry through organised riot, rapine, violence and murder. This is already under way but never reported. In Oslo and Malmo in Scandinavia Rape has risen 3,000 percent in ten years thanks to Moslem organised gangs. The police deliberately ignore this on instructions. Switzerland has a similar problem and I predict that Norway and Switzerland will be forced into anschluss with the EU on the pretext of dealing with the increasing disorder on their streets with EU ‘assistance’. The Soviets used the same ploy to blackmail countries into being taken over, so did Hitler.
These migrants in colonies, will be fed at state expense and increased benefits as long as they too, comply with Federalist command and control. Watch out for the mega mosques going up as I write across Europe. Other migrant clients will be gipsies, and any other useful ethnic group but especially Moslems useful to preserve the status quo. They are already used to living under tyranny having done so in their former lands.
Those migrants, like the vast majority of settled former Commonwealth British Citizens will not accept the new order, so will be reduced to helot status like their white counterparts.
Each and every one of us will be chipped. That electronic chip will give every bit of information about you to the police-state authorities and its function will be to track you, study you and refuse you access to housing, food, work and pay should you get the urge to rebel. You will be a slave. The fast forming Moslem statelets forming as I write around European and UK major cities will be the Sturm Abteilung of the EU, deliberately planted and allowed to develop by EuroState to break up the national states and any longings of national identity. Majority decent ordinary Moslems will also suffer locked into this Talibanic hell. Hindus will be forced to convert or lose their businesses and homes. This happened in Leeds recently.
The Soviet Union also employed this methodology very effectively to kill and silence national consciousness. The Arabs also employed similar colonies of troops to break up the Byzantine and Persian empires, and so are past masters at such strategy of divide and rule. In short Europe will be a patchwork of diverse regions that replace nation states, policed by Moslem mobs on behalf of the elite. Hence the desire for the rapid admission of Turkey and the EuroMed ‘Dialogue’ that will eventually lead to a pan Eurasian entity stretching from Scotland to India. Some writers call this desired entity Eurabia.
Do not think this will happen? Well it is happening as I write! Look at the evidence…..
The Metropolitan Police are being micro-chipped and so are our rubbish bins, even though the authorities know that these infernal devices do not work too well, since they tend to overcharge for litter and the chips in humans cause bodily functional problems with the natural immune system and cancer.
Take closure of Post Offices and destruction of ancient buildings, many that I know personally have listed preservation orders on them. Then there is the plan to surcharge our cars and even force us to destroy ones over ten years old.
There is also a plan to get rid of motorbikes.
Take global warming, that despite 100,000 climatologists stating that it is not caused by humans or cows but sun activity; yet the politicians and bureaucrats insist on pushing this robbery scam through despite hard evidence, that shows all the planets in the Solar System are warming.
There are plans to ban drinking and close pubs, a central cultural core of British life to ‘placate Moslem sentiments’ but most likely because drunks cause trouble and plots can be launched against the government in them. Smoking was but the first step to asocialise the British pub. Similar steps are being taken as I write in Europe.
Wonder why your streets are never cleaned and six foot weeds grow up in pavements and the sides of public buildings? Again EU instructions through its client Common Purpose, in order to, induce among the English population first a feeling of degradation, fear and pointlessness in politics…Europe will be next.
Oil crisis? Rising food prices- Again the EU has seen that Britain is now a net importer of food and deliberately started off the Foot and Mouth epidemics in the Frankfurt School paradigm or model intended to destroy nations. This activity destroyed cattle and sheep farming in the UK, especially England. This will eventually happen in the rest of Europe, unless people wake up and take to the streets in protest. 1,000,000 people outside Westminster would be a start and the Police and Army have had enough too believe me! Stop the Treaty stop the EuroState in its tracks but only street protest will now succeed!
So that means you and I getting off our arses, swallowing our differences and marching to tell this lot of oiks where they can go…To Hell one hopes!
These people are criminals it is simple as that. Most are cultural thieves and iconoclasts, professional carpetbaggers, power mad bureaucrats who will not even obey their own European Union laws. They are crooks intent on stealing our birthright and nations. No referendum will succeed, nor will anything else like court actions, Magna Carta or any normal democratic activity-too polite and these bastards use the democratic process against you in order to overturn Irish, French and Dutch referenda saying ‘No’. The Soviet system operated in the same way-‘You will vote the way we instruct you or you will vote unit we get the required answer!’
That is reality boys and girls and this is the truly evil, demonic, satanic face of the European State these creatures are forcing us to accept, in what they openly and arrogantly term the Post Democratic Era!
Scared enough now?
So do something about it then! Make history! Think of your grandchildren! What are you going to tell them forced to live under this shit!?
We can all go on strike for one day if you are interested in doing something for yourself and this poor bloody country! It will mean each and every one of you forgetting your own immediate daily ‘petty’ concerns, and thinking beyond your enclosed little personal worlds and doing something for your country- Yes that place you happen to live in! Remember it-The United Kingdom your country!
In 1939 our parents and grandparents had no choice! They had to act! You have a choice and the luxury of not doing so. However can you imagine what may have happened if the average Briton, then had said,
‘Oh I cannot possibly be involved- I am far too busy with my personal business!’
During the First Gulf War my Field Ambulance TA unit was on standby! Five members refused to attend the compulsory ‘Call Up’, stating they could not come as they had urgent personal business! The Military Police sent to arrest them and take them to Colchester under arrest for failure to comply with a compulsory order, were stunned by the attitude of their charges who seemed to feel their personal trivial lives and priorities, overruled a national emergency.
I informed one of these idiots, that they faced serious charges ranging from desertion in the face of an enemy, that at the time carried not only a heavy sentence in the ‘Glasshouse’ but even the death penalty for cowardice in the face of the enemy. Indeed one of them, a woman was still pleading ‘Oh you don’t understand I have to run a business! as she was carted off to confinement pending a Court Martial!
You still have the option to act or not! Just one day is all we ask-
One day away from the office or wherever you work! Just one day in which you do nothing, except not work! You can spend the time at home, in the garden doing what the hell you like for the sake of your country-One simple day pleasing yourself-doing nothing!
Miliband today ratified the Lisbon Treaty at Rome. A Treaty that subdues this country and all of us-man woman and child, and generations yet unborn to a new Soviet style system! All this can be prevented by one simple national strike! Just one day that will have the politicians shitting their pants!
if you want to attend then e.mail and we will give you location and time!
Your choice boys and girls to stop this damned thing in its tracks NOW!
Guy Leven-Torres and the Boys and Girls of La Resistance!
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