Common Purpose the Fabian Connection

Fabian Socialism is a "mixture" of Fascism, Nazism, Marxism and Communism all bundled together.

However, it is much more deadly because it is much more clever and subtle.

The only difference between Fabian Socialism and Communism is that Communists take your house by directly sending in the "secret police" to knock your front door down ¬ Fabian Socialists do it much more subtly and cleverly ¬by "gradually" taking your individual rights away, by "gradually" increasing property taxes and rates, and finally, when you can't pay them, they send in their regional "council tax inspectors" to take your house away ¬ but the end result is the same.

British PM Tony Blair and President George Bush Junior's globalist "war on terror" is a classic Fabian Socialist strategy.

The philosophy of the Fabian Society was written in 1887 and included the statement: "The Fabian Society acknowledges the principal tenet of Marxism the abolition of private property etc." (of course this does not apply to the elect oligarchy at the top that end up owning the lot!).

Sidney and Beatrice Webb published a book of 1143 pages in defence of Bolshevism. It was entitled Soviet Communism: A New Civilization.

In April 1952 the Webbs were exposed before a US Senate Committee on the Judiciary when Soviet Colonel I. M. Bogolepov, a former Red Army officer, stated that the entire text had been prepared by himself in the Soviet Foreign Office.

Appropriately, the defiant coat of arms of the Fabian Society (commissioned by author/playwright co-founder George Bernard Shaw) today (now archived) is a "wolf in sheep's clothing."

Until recently it also appeared on the Fabian glass window (now removed) in the Beatrice Webb House at Dorking, Surrey. (see enclosures)

Today the Fabian Society is among other things the intellectual wing of the British Labour Party.

Before Tony Blair became British Prime Minister in May 1997, he was Chairman of the Fabian Society.

Since the 1997 British general election there have been around 200 Fabian MP's in the House of Commons, some of whom have formed almost entire Labour Cabinets including Gordon Brown, Robin Cook, Jack Straw, David Blunkett, Peter Hain, Patricia Hewitt, John Reid, Ruth Kelly, Alan Milburn and Clare Short.

Headed by Tony Blair, Fabians now dominate the entire British government.

They are resident in all parties and sit on all important select committees, commissions and organizations allied to the government.

A good web-site on the subject is:

The Fabian Society literally controls the European Union.

German-born Gisela Stuart, the Labour MP for Birmingham Edgbaston since 1997, and member of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee, was one of two House of Commons' Representatives on the European Convention and a member of the Presidium of the Convention on the Future of Europe.

The Presidium was the drafting body that created the draft Constitution for Europe.

In her book, The Making of Europe's Constitution , published in December 2003 by the Fabian Society, pages 20-21, Gisela writes:

"In the early months, the Presidium members would meet in a small room in the Justus Lipsius Building some fifteen minute walk from the European Parliament.

Attendance was limited to the thirteen members, the Secretary General Sir John Kerr, his deputy and the press officer.

Sir John Kerr, a former Permanent Secretary of the British Foreign Office, conducted the proceedings inside the Presidium and in the plenary sessions of the Convention with deft diplomatic skill as might be expected from someone who John Major called 'Machiavelli' in his autobiography.

The best description of his talents I heard was: 'When Kerr comes up to you and asks for the time, you wonder why me and why now?'

On several occasions, we would retreat to the Val Duchess ¬ a small palace used by the Belgian foreign minister. It was at one of the dinners at Val Duchess that the skeleton of the draft constitution was given to members of the presidium in sealed brown envelopes the weekend before the public

We were not allowed to take the documents away with us.

Just precisely who drafted the skeleton, and when, is still unclear to me, but I gather much of the work was done by Valery Giscard d'Estaing and Sir John Kerr over the summer.

There was little time for informed discussion, and even less scope for changes to be made."

Today the Labour Parties in both New Zealand and Australia are closely affiliated to the Fabian Society in London.

Gates of Vienna

See this post and its comment section

NWO and the Masonic connection

NWO atrocities are always accompanied by Illuminati numerological symbolism, particularly the number 11 symbolized by the Twin Towers. In this post I present evidence to back up my suspicions beginning with the NWO/Masonic/Islamic connection.

The Masons who reach the thirty-second degree in the Scottish Rite or the degree of Knight Templar in the New York Rite can choose to join THE SHRINE, officially known as THE ANCIENT ARABIC ORDER OF NOBLES OF THE MYSTIC SHRINE.

The SHRINE’s blood oath and confession of Allah as God is documented in the secret Lodge document, THE MYSTIC SHRINE, AN ILLUSTRATED RITUAL OF THE ANCIENT ARABIC ORDER NOBLES OF THE SHRINE, 1975 Edition, (pages 20-22). During the butchering of the people of Fez, the streets literally ran red with the blood of the martyred Christians. The Muslim murderers dipped their caps in the blood of their victims as a testimony to Allah. These blood-stained caps eventually were called Fezzes and became a badge of honour for those who killed a Christian. Members of THE SHRINE wear that same red Fez today. Source
Scottish Rite Freemasonry dominates American Government and culture and is therefore a major, if not the greatest - influence in NWO circles. It was set up by Albert Pike who's other well known organisation is none other than the Ku Klux Klan and who's trade mark is the anti-Christian 'burning cross':

Pike (1809-1891) born on Dec 29. US lawyer, historian, general. Masonic author, Brig General, (Confederate Army), died in 1891. Well-known Masonic author (Morals and Dogma) and composer of the ritual for the concordant body, the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, he was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of that body in 1859, an office he held until his death. Appointed Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas on November 7, 1864, from 1853 onward he was, at various times, chairman of numerous committees and boards, as well as Grand Representative of four jurisdictions. The founder of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) see also: The Scottish Rite's KKK Project

Albert Pike created the 33rd degree of Masonry Confessed LUCIFERIAN and founder of the K.K.K. The Ku Klux Klan is an organization which prided itself (and still does) in the torture and murder of men for the colour of their skin. This is Demonic in itself. So we have a confessed LUCIFERIAN (666) who created the 33rd degree of masonry and founded the KKK. K is the eleventh number of the Alphabet. In other words the KKK can be represented as 11, 11, 11. Source (Note: 11+11+11=33. This is another extremely important Masonic number which I will return to.)
Already we can see that Freemasonry, Islam and Lucifer are linked, just as I suggested in my last post. However, it should come as no surprise to learn that Masons embrace Allah because they claim to embrace the Gods of all religions; Having said that, Masons do seem to have a particular preference for Islam above other religions In fact, as far as I know THE SHRINE is the only Masonic Lodge that is exclusive to one God, Allah!

The design on this apron (below) would not be out of place on the Tawhid website but it is in fact the Masonic 9th degree apron of Memphis and Misraim.

9th Degree Apron of Memphis and Misraim

This suggests to my mind that when Freemasons talk of God, they are more likely referring to Allah than any other! (Did you know that Joseph-Ignace Guillotine, inventor of the Guillotine, was the founder of the Grand Orient of France Lodge of the Nine Sisters? Source).

Another link between Masonry and Islam.
The symbol used for Satan in Islam is three pillars.

During the Hajj, a pilgrimage which all Muslims are required to make at least once in their lifetime, they must participate in the 'Stoning of the Devil' ceremony, who is represented by three giant pillars.

The pillars symbolizing the Devil are at the centre of giant ramps built to accommodate the huge crowds of pilgrims who must complete the ritual by dusk. Muslim tradition says it was here that the Devil tried to tempt the Prophet Abraham to disobey God when he appeared before him and Isaac suddenly.

Yet, one of the most widely used devices inside Freemasonry to instruct new Masons on the 'Craft' is none other than the 'Three Pillars Tracing Board'. Source

My research into the NWO/Islam connection is still very much in its early stages but I hope I've presented enough evidence to encourage others to research this area.


The Illuminati number 11 and the 9/11 attacks.
As a Mason goes through the 32 degrees of the Scottish rite, he ends up giving worship to every Egyptian pagan god, the gods of Persia, gods of India, Greek gods, Babylonian gods, and others. As you come to the 17th degree, the Masons claim that they will give you the password that will give him entrance at the judgment day to the Masonic deity, the great architect of the universe. It is very interesting that this secret password is "Abaddon".
REVELATION 9:11 They have as king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon. (NASB)

Abaddon and Apollyon both mean "destroyer." The 'angel' of the Abyss (Hell) is really the chief demon whose name is Abaddon. Masons claim that the diety they worship is Abaddon! WHO IS THE "DESTROYER"?
On September 11 1990, George H. W. Bush made the following speech to the US Congress:
We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a new world order -- can emerge: a new era -- freer from the threat of terror, Full Speech
Exactly 11 years later, to the very day, Flight 11 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. There were 81 passengers and 11 crew on board (81+11= 92 and 9+2 =11). The Twin Towers are clearly symbolic of the number 11 and each tower has 110 floors. On the tail of Flight 11 were the initials AA (American Airlines) where A is the first letter of the alphabet (AA=11).

State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union

New York City - 11 Letters

Manhattan Island was discovered on September. 11, 1609 by Henry Hudson
The Pentagon - 11 Letters

September 11: Construction of the Pentagon begins Source .

According to the authors of Holy Blood Holy Grail there were originally 9 Templar Knights who banded together in 1111AD.

Bush to Attend U.N. General Assembly 11/11. Source

United States Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Avenue
Washington, DC 20224

Marine Corps Logo: Green Dragon Hovering Over The World Trade Centers

In the mysticism of the Chinese tongs (criminal gangs), the Green Dragon is a death symbol. A symbol of the dragon is worn on a ring or held in the hand of a "hatchet man." The Green Dragon is supposed to impart the notion of a "license to kill" for it signifies that the murder is an affair of "honor". Source
Masonic forefathers met at one of the first Masonic Lodges The Green Dragon Tavern in America located at 11 Marshall Street, Boston MA, to decide America's future.

The Green Dragon Tavern was also the venue for The Boston Tea Party.

For more examples of Illuminati symbolism on 9/11 see Destruction of the trade centers.

See also 11, 13, 33: The Illuminati/Freemason signature


The Illuminati number 33 and the assassination of JFK.

Another big number for the Mason's is 33 as this is the highest degree in Masonry you can hold.

Recall that Albert Pike created the 33rd degree of Masonry as well as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK= 11+11+11=33). Pike, as we saw, was also a Luciferian, as is David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations :
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." Source
It should therefore come as no surprise to learn that there are 33 sections to the United Nations on the inner emblem logo, or that the external wreath resembles the Devil's horns!

The symbolism is unmistakable, the UN is a Masonic Satanist organisation bent on world domination!

JFK was not a member of any Illuminati organisation and it was his non-initiation into any such organisation that was ultimately to cost him his life. If he had been aware of the Illuminati symbolism's addressed here he would never have entered Dealy Plaza that fateful day!

It is well known that the truncated pyramid on the back of the dollar bill is an Illuminati symbol and is representative of the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt with it's missing capstone. Freemasons believe that ancient Egypt was the worlds first Masonic state and the founders of America wanted the same for their 'New World'. See US Presidents and the Masonic Power Structure

"Novos Ordo Seclorum" means "New Secular Order" and I'm sure JFK would have known that. But I'm equally sure that he didn't know the Masonic symbolism associated with Dealy Plaza, if he had he would probably still be alive today.

The Plaza has an unmistakable triangular layout, but notice how the Triple Underpass 'truncates' the apex of the triangle giving the Plaza the appearance of a truncated pyramid as depicted on the dollar bill! Coincidence?

Most certainly not! Dealey Plaza is the site of the Masonic temple in Dallas (now razed) and there is a marker attesting to this fact in the plaza. The Plaza was named after George Bannerman Dealy who was, among other things, a 33rd Degree Freemason!!! .Whats more Dealy Plaza is situated on the 33rd parallel (it lies between the 33rd and 34th latitudes). Masons have a penchant for situating their 'Temples' (lodges) on the 33rd parallel:
[Albert]Pike was said to be a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and he apparently possessed a bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication. He was the Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which had been founded in Paris in 1737. Palladism had been brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century, and it was this cult of Satan that was introduced to the inner circle of the Masonic lodges. It was aligned with the Palladium of the Templars. In 1801, Issac Long, a Jew, brought a statue of Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina, where he helped to establish the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Long apparently chose Charleston because it was geographically located on the 33rd parallel of latitude (incidentally, so is Baghdad), and this council is considered to be the Mother Supreme Council of all Masonic Lodges of the World.Source

If the Illuminati were responsible for the murder of JFK they couldn't have chosen a better place to do it, symbolically that is. Even the Triple Underpass has it's significance. Seconds after the fatal head shot JFK was driven away under this "bridge", the significance being that Freemasons have a thing about bridge symbolism (see 'Destruction of the trade centers' linked above) leading some researchers to link Diana's death to Freemasons as she too died under a bridge. And who can forget the fate of 'God's' banker Roberto Calvi who was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in June 1982. His death has since been linked to Freemasonry, the Mafia and even the Vatican.

If we think of Dealy Plaza as a triangle with the Masonic number 33 inside it then the following emblem may throw some light on who was responsible for his death, as well as why he was assassinated.

Albert Pikes Masonic Master plan.

Notice the number 33 inside the black triangle. I got this image from the 'Destruction of the Trade Centers' site and underneath the emblem it says "Albert Pikes Masonic Master plan". If JFK was somehow a threat to this "Master plan" that would explain why he was assassinated at Dealy Plaza!!

And JFK most certainly WAS a threat to the Master plan; he threatened to blow the whistle on secret societies:

"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all."

- Strobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, Time Magazine, July 20th, l992

"We shall have world government whether or not you like conquest or consent."

- James Warburg, Rothschild Banking Agent, 1950

PA Bryant

No EU Common Purpose Government Infiltrators

Common Purpose - The Enemy Within

Colin Grainger

Today we do a dangerous thing. Today we poke a viper. And we know this one is carrying enough venom to mortally wound our entire nation unless we expose this new cadre of control freaks. I know that I use that term a lot, but this time, I use it knowing full well that that is what they are. They desire control, and they are brainwashed freaks. As in most items I post, I do not expect you to take my word for it. I offer a link below that you are duty bound to read, if you care for your freedom. Furthermore, you really have to continue your investigations into this insidious, nasty, shadowy group of people.

First, to give you some idea of what we are dealing with, I will cut & paste from the article stored at the provided link.

Then, I will post the names of those companies and organisations that have paid vast sums of money to carry out training, (I use the word "training" grudgingly, the actual technique is called "Neurological Linguistic Control", a known brainwashing technique, very similar to the Delphi Technique, which is used by anti-smoker groups on their members), I hope you will be shocked and stunned when you see some of the participating organisations. A great many of them are central and local government, which means that YOU and I paid for this systematic brainwashing which will be used against us.

Make no mistake, this is scary stuff. But, just like all monsters, once you have learned where they are, and what they feed on, it is much easier to slay them.

Just WHAT and WHO are we dealing with?


An expert in psychological manipulative techniques used by corrupt intelligence agencies has identified the agenda of this subversive organisation as neurological linguistic control, which means that it specialises in mind control and brainwashing. The technique used is akin to that employed by a parallel, but older, offensive, named Moral Rearmament (or MRA). What that old, well-funded operation does is to seek to strip its targets of all loyalties, the established neuro-control technique, by indoctrinating them into confessing all past ‘sins’ to the collective. The consequence, of course, is that many victims become blackmailable, and may therefore be less resistant to the next evil step – demands for money, which aim to deprive the victim of his or her independence and to strap them permanently to the organisation. In other words, the standard Tavistock-originated cult indoctrination techniques are used.

In the case of ‘Common Purpose’, its huge neurological linguistic control offensive is directed at sweeping all resident notions from the victim’s mind and psyche, and replacing them with ‘slides’ , or the ‘politically correct’ notions that the control manipulators seek to impose. As a component of the brainwashing that takes place at ‘Common Purpose’s’ fake ‘educational’ sessions, which are held all over Britain, the following cynical routine is employed in one way or another: first of all, a predetermined ‘consensus’ line is promulgated before the group; secondly, notions which conflict with the predetermined ‘consensus’ are dismissively, and perhaps rudely, debunked. In the event that anyone voices ‘dissenting’ views, they are sharply and insultingly criticised, à la Cultural Revolution, and made to look foolish in front of their peers. This is standard practice.

Thirdly, ‘lines’ are unveiled for all present to accept without question – preconceived ‘slides’ which are always so reasonable that no-one could dare object to them; and anyone who does, is forthwith labelled ('type-cast as') an ‘extremist’.


We understand that certain attendees at these spurious events directed by Mrs Middleton from her office inside the OPDM, have suffered mental breakdowns and marriage break-ups. Victims are called upon to pay substantial sums by way of attendance fees, but do so willingly, or have employers who do so readily, just as those blackmailable Moral Rearmament victims are forced to part with funds – as it is none-too-subtly suggested that the path to preferment in the police, in hospital management, in local authorities, within multinational corporations, large banks and any of the other categories of organisation whose ‘Useful Idiot’ managements are sponsoring this subversive operation [see list below], is smoothed by graduating from these courses.

Here is a partial list:

ABL Ltd, Bradford
Admiral Insurance Services Ltd
American Express, Brighton
ARRIVA, Head Office
ARRIVA, Leeds City Station
Arts Council England, North-West, Manchester
Astra Zeneca UK Limited, Macclesfield
Astron, Edinburgh
Aylesford Newsprint Ltd, Aylesford
BAE Systems, Rochester
Baillie Gifford & Co, Edinburgh
Baker Tilly, Milton Keynes
Barnsley College, Barnsley
Barnsley Hospice, Barnsley
BASF Plc, Middlesbrough
Bayer CropScience, Norwich
Begbroke Science Park, University of Oxford, Yarnton
British Petroleum, Grangemouth
Bradford Vision, Bradford
Brighton & Hove City Council, Hove – King's House
Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership, Brighton
BSkyB, Dunfermline
BT Scotland, Edinburgh – Alexander Graham Bell House
BUPA Ireland, Dublin
Business Link, North & Western Lancashire
Cairn Energy Plc, Edinburgh
Campsmount School, Doncaster
Cardiff City AFC, Cardiff
Cathays High School, Cardiff
ChamberLink Ltd, Manchester
Chapel Royal , Brighton
Cherwell School, Oxford
City and County of Cardiff, Cardiff – County Hall
City College Coventry, Butts Centre
City Of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Bradford
Clackmannanshire Council, Alloa
Cork Prison, Cork
Coventry Evening Telegraph, Coventry
Darton High School, Barnsley
Department for Education and Skills, Darlington
Derby College, Derby
Dewsbury Health Care NHS Trust, Dewsbury & District Hospital
Diageo plc, Dublin
Diageo plc, Leven – Banbeath Industrial Estate
Diamond Corrugated Cases Ltd, Londonderry
Dixons City Academy, Bradford
Donnington Valley Hotel, Newbury
Dover Harbour Board, Dover
Dublin Bus, Dublin
Dubrovnik Hotel, Bradford
EON UK plc, Coventry
Education Bradford, Bradford
Education Client Team, Bradford
Egg, Derby
EMI Records Group UK and Ireland, London
English Institute of Sport Sheffield, Sheffield
Eversheds, Cardiff
Fife College, Kirkcaldy
Fife Constabulary, Police Headquarters
Fife Council, Kirkcaldy – Town House
Ford Motor Company Limited, Southampton
Forth Valley College of Further & Higher Education, Falkirk Campus
Fox's Biscuits, Batley
Glasgow City Council, City Chambers
Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow
GlaxoSmithKline, Dartford – Acacia Hall
Goodwin Resource Centre Association, Hull
Grattan plc, Bradford
Grimsby and Scunthorpe Newspapers Ltd, Grimsby
Gripple Ltd, Sheffield
Hartlepool Primary Care Trust, Hartlepool
Headquarters 2nd Infantry Brigade, Folkestone
Health Promotion, Coventry
HM Prison Cardiff, Cardiff
HM Prison Edinburgh, Edinburgh
HM Prison Glenochil, Tullibody
HM Prison HMYOI Polmont, Falkirk
HM Prison Maidstone, Maidstone
HM Prison Stafford, Stafford
HM Prison Standford Hill, Sheerness
HM Prison Swaleside, Isle of Sheppey
Home Office Refugee Integration Section, Croydon
Hothouse Centre for Ceramic Design, Stoke-on-Trent
HSBC Bank plc, Manchester
Hull Citybuild, Hull
Hull Cityventure Limited, Hull
Huntsman Petrochemicals [UK] Ltd, Redcar
IBM United Kingdom Limited, Edinburgh
Indian Muslim Welfare Society, Batley
John Wheatley College, Glasgow
Karmand Community Centre, Bradford
Keele University, Keele
Keepmoat plc, Doncaster
Kellogg's, Manchester
Kent Thameside Delivery Board, Gravesend
Kickstart, Sheffield
Kimberly-Clark Ltd, Barton-Upon-Humber
Kingston upon Hull City Council, The Guildhall
Komedia, Brighton
Laganside Corporation, Belfast
Lancashire Constabulary, Nr Preston
Learning + Skills Council, Hull
Legal & General, Cardiff - 2 Fitzalan Place
Longley Park Sixth Form College, Sheffield
Lothian Buses plc, Edinburgh
Marriott Hotel, Glasgow
Marriott Hotel, Sunderland
Marriott Sprowston Manor Hotel & Country Club, Norwich
Maxxium UK Ltd, Stirling
McCann FitzGerald Solicitors, Dublin
Meadowhall Centre Limited, Sheffield
Medway Ports, Sheerness
Met Office, Exeter
Middlesbrough Borough Council, Middlesbrough – Vancouver House
Millennium Chemicals, Grimsby
Milton Keynes Museum, Milton Keynes
MKM Building Supplies Ltd, Hull
National Children's Centre, Huddersfield
National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford
New Appointments Group, Sittingbourne
Newbury Town Council, Newbury
Newcastle Building Society, Newcastle Upon Tyne
North Lincolnshire Council, Scunthorpe
Northern Echo, Darlington
Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals NHS Trust, Scunthorpe
Northwest Development Agency, Warrington
Norwich City Council, City Hall
Novartis Grimsby Ltd, Grimsby
O2 Ireland, Dublin
OCR, Coventry
Outokumpu Stainless Ltd, Sheffield
Oxford City Council, St Aldate's Chambers
Panasonic UK Ltd, Bracknell
Patcham High School, Brighton
Pfizer Limited, Sandwich – Ramsgate Road
PricewaterhouseCoopers, London – Embankment Place, Head Office
PricewaterhouseCoopers, London – Plumtree Court
Prudential plc, Reading
Prudential plc, Stirling
PSA Peugeot Citroen, Coventry
PSA Peugeot Citroen, Manufacturing Plant
Quest International Ltd, Ashford
REACT, Rotherham
Reading Borough Council, Reading
Reed In Partnership, Doncaster
Ridgewood School, Doncaster
Robin Hood Airport, Doncaster Sheffield, Doncaster
Rok Build, Reading
Rolls-Royce plc, Inchinnan
Rotherham College of Arts and Technology, Dinnington
Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Edinburgh – The Younger Building
Safefood, Cork
Salford Primary Care Trust, Salford
Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley, Stirling
Scottish Enterprise, Glasgow
Scottish Executive, Edinburgh – Victoria Quay
Sheffield City Council, Sheffield – Town Hall
Shepherd Neame Ltd, Faversham
Shoosmiths Solicitors, Milton Keynes
Slough Enterprise Gateway, Slough
South Norfolk District Council, Norwich
South Wales Fire Service, Cardiff
St Andrews Bay Hotel, St. Andrews
St Saviours C of E Church, Folkestone
St Simon Stock School, Maidstone
Staffordshire University, Stafford
Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Stoke on Trent
Strathclyde Police, Headquarters
Sussex County Cricket Club, Hove
Sussex Innovation Centre, Brighton
Sussex Police, Hove Police Station
Swale Borough Council, Sittingbourne
Swale Forward, Swale
Swale Primary Care Trust, Sittingbourne
Swan Valley Community School, Swanscombe
Tesco Charity Trust, Cheshunt
Thames Valley Police, Reading – Castle Street
Thames Valley Police, Slough
The Bridge (Oxford) Ltd, Oxford
The Brighton Dome and Brighton Festival, Brighton
The City of Edinburgh Council, Head Office
The Grimsby Institute of Further & Higher Education, Grimsby
The Recovery Project, Brighton
The Thornbury Centre, Bradford
Thomson Snell & Passmore (Solicitors), Tunbridge Wells
Tonbridge Grammar School, Tonbridge
Unipart (DCM), Oxford
University of Bradford, Bradford
University of Glasgow, Glasgow
University of Greenwich, Chatham

Scary? Or does it simply help you to join the dots? HMG have encroached far more into our lives than any other British government. It’s not hard to see why, when you factor in the above (and the linked) information.

Now we know who they are. Now we know where they are. Now we know what their true common purpose is, we can fight back.

Together, we can defeat them.
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